Approved MAMI Proposals of Experiment

P.A.C. 2003
1/02 Measurement of the Magnetic Dipole Moment of Delta+(1232) Resonance
1/03 Measurement of the Magnetic Dipole Moment of Delta+(1232) Resonance
2/03 Measurement of the 2pi0 Photoproduction off the Proton at Threshold and in the Second resonance region
4/03 Test of Chiral Perturbation Theory and C and CP Invariance in Eta Meson Decay
Coherent Pion Photoproduction from Nuclei from Threshold to 350 MeV
Measurement of th Photon Asymmetry in Neutral Pion Production from Proton near Threshold
Coherent Photoproduction of eta-mesons from Light Nuclei - Search for eta-mesic Nuclei

P.A.C. 2005
1/05 Measurement of the in-medium omega mass
2/05 Test of the Chiral Perturbation Theory and C and CP Invariance in eta decay
3/05 Test of the Chiral Perturbation Theory and C and CP Invariance in eta-prime decay
4/05 The Magnetic Moment of the S11(1535) Resonance
Recoil Nucleon Polarimetry Observables in Meson Photoproduction at MAMI
Photon Asymmetry Meaurements of the 16O(gamma,pp)
Helicity Dependence of Meson Photroduction on the Proton
8/05 Measurement of the G Asymmetry
9/05 Helicity Dependence of Single and Double pion Photoproduction on the Neutron
10/05 Photoproduction of eta-mesons off the Neutron
11/05 Photoproduction of Neutral Pseudoscalar Mesons on the Neutron
12/05 Measurement of Polarization Observables in Coherent pi0 Photoproduction off Deuterium
13/05 Letter of Intent: K0 Sigma+ Photoproduction

P.A.C. 2009
1/09 Test of the Chiral Perturbation Theory and C and CP Invariance in eta decay
2/09 Decays of the eta-prime Meson
3/09 Polarization Observables using the Nucleon Polarimeter
4/09 Induced Neutron Polarisation from the Photodisintegration of the Deuteron
Photoproduction of Neutral Kaons on Deuterium
Helicity Dependence of Meson Photoproduction on the Proton
Measurement of the G Asymmetry
8/09  Transverse asymmetries T and F in eta photoproduction in  the S11(1535) region
9/09 Spin Observables in  pion-eta Photoproduction in the D33(1700) region
10/09 Measurement of Polarized Target and Beam Asymmetries in Pion Photo-Production
11/09 Measurement of the Proton Spin Polarizabilities
12/09 Helicity Dependence of Single and Double Pion Photoproduction
13/09 Photoproduction of Mesons off the Neutron - Polarization Observables (E,T,F)
14/09 Photoproduction of Pions from Polarized Neutrons and Deuterons
15/09 Neutron Skin Evolution in Isotops of Tin and Calcium  from Coherent Pion Photoproduction
